Monday, November 29, 2010

You and I

By Mary Ann Hoberman

Found in Highlights November 2010

Only one I in the whole wide world
And millions and millions of you,
But every you is an I to itself
And I am a you to you too!
But if I am a you and you are an I
And the opposite is also true,
It makes us both the same somehow
Yet splits us each in two.
Its more and more mysterious,
The more I think it through:
Every you everywhere in the world is an I; every I in the world is a you!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Don't Quit

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,

When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,

When the funds are low and the debts are high,

And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,

When care is pressing you down a bit,

Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,

As every one of us sometimes learns,

And many a failure turns about,

When he might have won had he stuck it out;

Don't give up though the pace seems slow--

You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than,

It seems to a faint and faltering man,

Often the struggler has given up,

When he might have captured the victor's cup,

And he learned too late when the night slipped down,

How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out--

The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,

And you never can tell how close you are,

It may be near when it seems so far,

So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Suffiecent Time

You held that hand those many years
Shared in the joys as well the tears
Such promise made so long ago
Your love would hold and make it so
You dared believe with all your heart
Forever meant you'd never part
And so it was or seemed to be
Your lives revolved eternally

But years amassed the way they do
Some ground was lost and ere you knew
The time had come you felt the shock
The loss so great you couldn't talk

But oh the flood of tears that came
And yet that come to hear that name
Relived the past you knew so well
In freedom's wake and not this hell

And hell it's been for sure a while
A frown you've worn and not a smile
In such a state you've wished to die

If yet to stay and know not why
But truth be told for what it's worth
Impermanence you'd have on earth

Therefore to learn to cope somehow
To understand the here and now

To take in stride the things that are
Once more to wish upon a star
To bear in mind there's always more
To think of life and what it's for
Returned in spring the robin's song
As well the hope for which you'd long
The summer sun to bring the bloom
Your world to fill with sweet perfume

Renewed the dream the heart to heal
Returned to form and made to feel
Replayed the scene as will be done
Still life to live beneath the sun
This world of yours that has no end
But that you'd come to comprehend
Transformed the lot but little more
One day to chance that distant shore

But not as yet for here's the grant
A world that's wont to say you can't
The loss of you more cause to grieve
And this for sure you must believe

For such as left the call was clear
The time had come to hie from here
But those as yet who've stayed behind
Must not forget that love was kind
For love it was that gave such days
You'd now recall in wondrous ways
And love it is will bring accord
Sufficient time to come on board
-Richard Doiron

Monday, May 17, 2010


To do this Dance
You Don't Nedd Romance
You do't need a lance
All you need is to Dance
For Tolerance

I love You

Wish I could prove I love you

But does that mean I have to walk on water?

When we are older you'll understand

It's enough when I say so

And maybe some things are that simple

And if I find the real world of emotion has surrounded me

And I can't go on

You are there the moment that I close my eyes to comfort me

We are connected for all of time

I'll never be alone

\And though I know the real world of emotion has surrounded me

I won't give in to it

Now I know that forward is the only way my heart can go

I hear your voice calling out to me


Is the greatest gift from above

Buy now it's scary

Because you have to be very


You have to use protection

When you get an erection

So always use a glove

When you make love.


Do not throw away all of Yesterday,

Some of it may be may be useful another day,

So don't you dare

You should be aware

Some of it may be useful tomorrow.


Rain, rain running down my windowpane.

I think I'm going insane.

I live in vain.

For how I hate that rain running down my windowpane.

And everyday I wish it away, away.

But still I sit in vain,

Watching that rain running down my windowpane


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Everything I own

You sheltered me from harm
Kept me warm, kept me warm
You gave my life to me
Set me free, set me free
The finest years I ever knew
Were all the years I had with you...
And I would give anything I own
Give up my life, my heart, my own
I would give everything I own
Just to have you back again....

You taught me how to love
What it's of, what it's of
You never said to much but
Still you show the way
And I know from watching you
Nobody else could ever know
The part of me I can't let go....

And I would give anything i own
Give up my life, my heart, my home
I would give everything i own
Just to have you back again....

Is there someone you know
You're loving them so
But taking them all for granted
You may lose them one day
Someone takes them away
And they don't hear the words

You long to say....
I would give anything I own
Give up my life, my heart, my home
I would give everything I own
Just to have you back again
Just to touch you once again...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Journey of Dreams

There's so much to discover
new moons we've never touched.
Emotions never felt before
like an incoming wave they rush.
The start of something grand perhaps
or maybe one more dead end.
What the future holds who knows
potential lovers or new friends?
Together we will take the journey
into places unknown before.
Take my hand and walk with me
there's so much to explore.
Dare to dream and fantasize
visions you've only dreamt.
Could this be our fate now reaized
and our meeting Heaven-Sent. ...
Love and Light,
Donna Wallace
a.k.a. Gentle-Daydreamer

Friday, April 9, 2010


A ripple in time

Saves much more than a dime.

It is all new

This crew

Of this Lemon lime.

Monday, February 22, 2010


What is the Reason?

It may be the season.

If for treason

It will be the Illusion

Of the solution

For the conclusion

Of the resolution

Of the season

For the Reason

Can only cause a in season


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Garden of Life

Those seeds that receive water and nourishment are the seeds

that will grow. What seeds in your life are you watering right now?

Life is constantly sprouting new possibilities.

During each day, many and various influences will fall upon

the fertile ground of your consciousness.

The quality of your life depends on which of those influences

you allow to take hold and grow. It pays to select them wisely.

If you nourish the seeds of anger, violence, envy and resentment,

then thorny, tangled stalks will soon spring up all around you.

If instead you nurture the seeds of love, hope, kindness, creativity

and joy, a lush and lovely garden will begin to flower in your life.

Choose in each moment to nourish those seeds that will in turn

grow to nourish and support you. Hold on to and build those

influences that will bring value, meaning, richness

and fulfillment to your life.

Follow those possibilities that are the most positive and meaningful.

And make the garden of your life a beautiful, peaceful and productive place.

The Colors of the Wind ~

By Donna Wallace

I have seen the colors

I've felt their names blowing in the wind

I know now every storm has a story
that blows around without an end.

I have seen the colors
How they blow around and blend
Becoming one with one another
Even the breeze must have a friend.
I have heard their stories
World travelers their whispers are filled
with sounds of love and nightmares
and peace whenever they are still.

Have you ever seen their colors
listened to the song they sing
The wind holds so many answers
so much wisdom it can bring.

Listen to their story
touch their souls and see
What life holds for you
you see the answer's in the breeze....
Love and Light,

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


It's not your talent or you gift at birth

It's not your bankbook that determines your worth,

It's not the color or texture of your skin,

It's your attitude that lets you win.

What We Love